Galerie Simon, Paris
Lucien Lefebre-Foinet, Paris
Galerie de Beaune, Paris
Jacques Doucet, Paris
Walter P. Crysler, Jr., New York & Warrenton, Virginia
Buchholz Gallery (Curt Valentin), New York
Saidenberg Gallery, New York
Frances Leventritt, New York
Privatsammlung ∙ Private collection
Exhibitions of the Collection of Walter P. Crysler, Jr., Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond & Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 1941
André Masson: Examples of his Work from 1922-1945, Buchholz Gallery, New York, 1947
Exhibitions of the Collection of Walter P. Crysler, Jr., Ausstellungskatalog ∙ Exhibition catalogue Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond & Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia 1941, no. 109.
André Masson: Examples of his Work from 1922-1945, Ausstellungskatalog ∙ Exhibition catalogue Buchholz Gallery, New York 1947, no. 4.
Leiris, Michel & Limbour, Georges, André Masson et son univers, Geneva & Paris 1947, S. ∙ p. 192.
Beatty, Frances Fielding Lewis, André Masson and the Imagery of Surrealism, PhD Dissertaition, Columbia University, no. 75, S. ∙ p. 460.
Polling, Clark, André Masson and the Surrealist Self, New Haven & London, no. 8, S. ∙ p. 21.
Guite Masson, Martin Masson, Catherine Loewer, André Masson. Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre peint 1919-1941, Volume I: 1919-1930, Vaumarcus/ Paris/ Zürich 2010, S. ∙ p. 137, no.1923*23.